Make sure your image files meet the following guidelines:
File format: jpg/jpeg
File size: under 5MB
Dimensions: 1200 pixels or greater on the longest side
Resolution: 150-300ppi
File name in this format: First3LettersLastName_Title.jpg
(For example: YAR_UnderATwilightSky.jpg)
How to determine the size, dimensions, and resolution of your image:
In your Photos app, click on any photo you want to view, then click the i (Info) icon at the bottom. Here you will see the file name, size, and dimensions, as well as the format. Make sure your format is JPEG. If it says “HEIC” or “HEIF,” you will need to convert it to JPEG.
If your photos are in a “HEIC” or “HEIF” format, you will need to convert those to JPEG. By copying photos from the Photos app to the Files app, these pictures will be saved as JPEG files automatically.
Go to your Photos app and select the pictures you want to convert.
Tap the Share icon and select Copy Photos.
Go to the Files app and tap Browse > On My iPhone
Press and hold any part of the blank area and tap Paste.
Now you can see the photos are saved as JPEG images on your iPhone.
Right-click on the photo file.
Select “Get Info” from the drop-down menu.
Click on the triangle next to “More Info” if it is not already expanded.
Here you can find the name, size, and dimensions, as well as the format (“Kind”).
Open Windows Explorer and find the image you want to check and click once on the file name.
Information on the file (name, format, size, and dimensions) should appear in the right-hand details pane.
Right-click on the image file.
Choose Properties from the drop-down menu. A new window will appear with several tabs. Click on the Details tab and there you will find the file information (name, format, size, and dimensions).
Tips for taking photos of your work:
No tilt - Make sure you are holding the camera square to the piece (and aimed at the center of your piece) so that one edge of your piece in the image is not skewed. Using the grid function on your phone will help you to accomplish this.
No frames - Don't include the frame of the artwork (if it has one). Don't add a frame border to your image.
No distracting backgrounds - If you are taking a photo of 3D work, sculptural piece, or art that is not straight on its edge, make sure your background is black or neutral. Busy backgrounds will distract from your work.